Grandmas watch Kim Kardashian sex tape

May 1, 2012

The fact that a young woman has made millions from leveraging a sex tape says a lot about where our society’s at right now. I haven’t seen the tape, but it pisses me off. Not that she made it; just that it’s been her platform for getting a TV program (shame on BravoTV) and somehow becoming a role model for other young women. How exactly does this happen?

However, I had one the best laughs of the week when I came across this YouTube video of some senior citizen women watching the sex tape together. We don’t see the tape itself, only their comments.

Prepare to laugh yourself silly.

“Was I exaggerating, Mary?”
“What’s taking him so long, he’s so young!”

2 comments on “Grandmas watch Kim Kardashian sex tape
  1. Anonymous says:

    your last three posts rock

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