Gratitude Friday

July 19, 2009

My friend Diana, in Italy, has started Gratitude Fridays, and has invited other bloggers to join in.

It’s important to stop our busy lives for a moment and focus on what’s good in our lives. What we want to give thanks for.

Every Friday, participants in Gratitude Friday will post the things we’re grateful for.

So here I go.

I’m so grateful to have Michael back in my life, for his deep and abiding love and the way he expresses it all the time. His presence is proof that if you are open to it, the Universe gifts you in spectacular ways.

I’m grateful for my furry dogbaby, Riley, the richness–the laughter (and yes, the frustration!) — he brings to my life.

I’m grateful for my trainer, Tom, who is a friend as well as a trainer, and has been steadfast in supporting me even when I might not be supporting myself.

I am so very grateful for the ability to go to Italy in just two months, and spend 10 days with Diana and Micha at their B&B, eating good food, enjoying good conversation & just relaxing–pottery, wine-tasting, lazing–and experiencing the countryside in the Piedmonte.

And I am grateful to God, who has made all of this happen for me.

To see Diana’s blog, go to

If you’d like to participate in Gratitude Fridays on your own blog, link back to mine, ss well. I am grateful!

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