Helping a friend through gray divorce

July 14, 2015

How to help a friendthrough gray divorceSome of us get a little squirrelly when a friend’s long-term marriage ends.  It’s called “gray divorce” and if ever our friend needed our support, it’s during this time, when their entire world changes drastically.

But are we really there for them?

Maybe we don’t know what to do or say, so we do nothing. We avoid it.

Maybe we are afraid we’ll need to take sides, so we “stay out of it.”

Maybe it’s a little threatening because we’re afraid it’s contagious. Every long term marriage has its issues, what if it gives us (or our spouse) ideas?

Maybe we present our friend with a list of eligible mates we think are just perfect for them.

Truth is, none of these are very helpful. But today, over at Boomeon, I’m talking about four ways to support a friend through gray divorce. I hope you’ll come over and add your two cents, either there or here.

Thank you!



One comment on “Helping a friend through gray divorce
  1. BFLC says:

    Divorce is hard but anyone can overcome it.

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