Great gift ideas from a bunch of bloggers

November 27, 2017

gift-ideasSome fabulous gift ideas to fit any sized budget–including small ones–thanks to some of my creative and cool blogger friends. They’ve got so many unique gift ideas –I know you’ll find at least one you can jump right on. 

I would be remiss if I didn’t start with my gorgeous, supportive gifts for those having a rough season, and I’ll start there: pretty sandalwood malas for $9 and gift packages as low as $15 for those who are healing or grieving. Yes, only $15 with free shipping. How can you go wrong? These are great deals that will provide important support during a period that can be trying for those who aren’t well or who have suffered a loss.   I hope you’ll take advantage of them. $15 and free shipping for a gift is unheard of today, but because I want these in the hands of as many who need them as possible, that’s the price for the lovely, regular-sized gift package for healing or condolencesTake a look at my Gifts tab.

And now, on to my blogger pals, who have fabulous gift ideas for you. The links are in the captions.

This says it all and such great prices. See all Rebecca’s great ideas on her website.

Perfect gifts for crafty tween girls can be found here, thanks to thrifty DIYer, Chris, including this one. Great kit ideas!


Last minute holiday gifts for the small wallet are at this post.


And of course do not miss Elena Peters’ last minute gifts you’ve seen here before... visit her here. So inexpensive!

Hope you enjoyed these creative and fun holiday gift ideas. Thanks to all the bloggers whose ideas they are and who allowed me to use their posts!

7 comments on “Great gift ideas from a bunch of bloggers
  1. klaudia says:

    Thank you so much for mentioning me in your post, I highly appreciate that!I love your sandalwood malas, what a shame that shipping to the Canary Islands is impossible. Thanks to you I have found Rebecca’s awesome blog, I loved her gift ideas from top to bottom. Also, Chris’ DIY gift ideas for crafty tween girls are great.Encouraging kids to be creative instead of ‘parking’ them in front of PCs is so important! I always get my little nephew some crafty gifts, he loves putting these little planes and tanks together, although he’s now already a nerd. Anything that keeps the kids occupied and away from the computer is a good thing to give.

  2. Renee says:

    Awesome ideas…I have saved this to look at each one more thoroughly….

  3. elena Peters says:

    Thank you for sharing my post. What a fabulous list of gifts from everyone. I am going to visit and share. Have a great Christmas Carol.

  4. So many great gift ideas from your fellow bloggers. Thanks so much for sharing Carol!

  5. Diane says:

    And again you’ve pointed me in the right direction!

  6. Jared Zone says:

    Wow! These are all great ideas.

  7. Roman says:

    Great gift ideas! A can add some more:
    If your kid is a ping-pong player, a proper paddle can be a good inexpensive gift. As for me, I am in love with automotive gifts. Such as small but useful tools, cleaners, brushes etc..

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