Half life of love

January 2, 2016


From a moving play about the half life of love I saw in San Francisco last month.

Who hasn’t had a love affair that burned white hot for a period of time, only for it to be extinguished for…whatever reason…?

I thought so.

If you ever run across Bright Half Life by Tanya Barfield on a marquee, see it.

2 comments on “Half life of love
  1. In the spirit of this post, I finally went to read your love story at http://carolcassara.com/life-turns-on-a-dime/ and was moved to tears. I’m still a hopeless romantic. Would love to see this play. But more importantly, loved hearing a true life story of love re-kindled to a flame. Yet, maybe even more compelling to me was this quote from your blog:

    I am very ready for Life 2.0, the next chapter. To do new things and to be more relaxed. That’s going to mean taking risks. I’m not exactly risk-averse, but I do have less of a taste for it than I’ve had in the past. Age, I guess.

    I’m tired of the rat race. I’ve had a long career working for other people, for clients, promoting things I’m not interested in on a soul level. In Life 2.0, I’d like to do things that sing to my soul, that satisfy me deeply. I’d like to live in a place with natural beauty, less traffic, more consciousness. Where I can live comfortably in a beautiful setting with my man and my dog(s) at a reasonable cost.

    My birthday is in a few weeks, and although I’ve started life (seems like 4.0 at this point) anew with all the lovely writing ladies I’ve met, I like to be reminded that I’d doing things that “sing to my soul” and not just wasting time. Thank you, Carol, you inspire me all the time!

  2. I admit to not being much of a theater goer. There is good theater in Tucson, and touring productions do come to our university campus quite often. I’m not sure if I’m likely to catch it here. I seem to catch plays when I travel. I saw an excellent production of “I am Rachel Corrie” at Purdue University. Surprising both for the feminist and political bent of play. I’m putting this on a cloud based note I can search from my phone.

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