
December 24, 2015

Hallelujah-chorusIt’s that time of year again.

Whether Jesus was the Son of God or a wise teacher or even just mythological, when we celebrate this holiday we celebrate the power and glory of the Divine, the Creator, Mother/Father God, the Great Spirit or whomever you believe started things off with a bang.

So it only follows that my favorite piece of holiday music is Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus. I had the privilege of singing this with an all-county choir in high school and I still love it. Nothing’s more fun than going to one of the local Hallelujah sing-alongs. I’m such a geek I even have The Messiah sheet music. Well, actually, it’s so long it’s a book.

It would’ve been fun to have seen this:

I love how so many in the crowd sang along, but only a few people knew that it’s traditional to stand during the Hallelujah Chorus.

And then, no one does it better than the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I can listen to this for hours. And have. Join me in an online singalong with the best chorus in the world. Oh yes: and stand up!

4 comments on “Hallelujah!
  1. Barbara says:

    It always inspires me, too. Merry Christmas, Carol!

  2. How fun. Now that is a smile-bringing flash mob. Merry Christmas Carol.

  3. I love flash mobs! Merry Christmas, Carol!

  4. Carolann says:

    That was wonderful! Flash mobs rock! Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Year!

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