Happiness is the way

July 2, 2011
Do you know people who think they’ll be happy
at some distant point in the future?

When they have the right job?

True love?

A big house?

A luxury car?

When they win the lottery?

I love the idea that happiness is actually a way of travel.
A choice we make every day.

As Buddha said:

There is no way to happiness.
Happiness is the way.

2 comments on “Happiness is the way
  1. I love this post. Life is what we make it, isn’t it? It’s a matter of how we see it. When we see happy, life is happy, and when we see unhappy, life is unhappy.
    The journey really is what counts. It’s today, this moment that matters.
    My husband and I are motorcyclists and we will leave home at 8:00 AM and return at 7:00PM and have no destination. We just enjoy the journey.

  2. That sounds like a wonderful day. Someone once advised me “be happy with your life the way it is” and I think that’s the best advice I’ve ever gotten. besides “wear sunscreen”.

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