The secret to happiness

August 29, 2017

happiness-secretHappiness isn’t as elusive as some would lead us to believe. It’s actually pretty simple.

Take time every day to enjoy the simplest pleasure of life. A bowl of fresh fruit in a pretty bowl with a real napkin, for example. Eaten outside on your patio or overlooking your garden.

Oh I know, you’ve got the good stuff locked away for a special occasion. And you don’t go out on the patio that much.

Make every day a special occasion. Get out that pretty china. Those cute bowls. The napkins you rarely use. Take a moment to sit outside and enjoy nature.

Bite into that sweet, juicy cherry and savor the flavor. Be in that moment. That event: eating a beautiful cherry in the beauty of a lovely late summer day.

Fact is, all we have is the present moment. So why not make the post of it?

Every day, find something simple to really enjoy. Every day.

You just might find happiness.

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24 comments on “The secret to happiness
  1. Meagan says:

    This is one of the things I miss most about the North. I miss fall days with cherries and peace. It’s so different in the South.

  2. I think this is so important! The secret to happiness really is just to decide to be happy. It’s work sometimes, but I’ve learned that you can do it.

  3. It took me quite a long time to learn that being happy is a state of mind and not a reaction to good/funny things happening around you. Once you learn that lesson, you’re golden.

  4. Maureen says:

    This was a much needed read today, when life gets so stressful and hectic it’s hard to see the light and bright side of things. This truly is a great post to help others see the secret to happiness.

  5. Helene says:

    I think we learn as we age that the simplest things really do provide the most happiness. Not material possessions, but the beauty of nature or a baby’s laugh or a puppy performing antics.

  6. Thank you so much for the reminder!

  7. Liz Mays says:

    This is a great reminder. I definitely tend to wait for the “right time” to enjoy myself rather than doing it often.

  8. Kiwi says:

    I appreciate this post. I like the food concept of dressing up your food and paying attention to the details before you eat it.

  9. Oh, if it were easier to clear my head. But to your point,you can at least be mindful of the rest your head needs.

    I have created places around my house that bring me peace just to look at them. They always seem to involve lamp light and cushions and I think it’s because I get drawn into reading, and my cat Gus gets drawn into my lap.

    Work in progress, but I’m trying.

  10. Pam says:

    I love the idea of not saving the good China for special occasions. We can make any moment special if we try.

  11. Kristin says:

    Oh so fun! My girls love having tea parties! We have a set saved form heir great grandmother, it’s our fancy china set.

  12. Theresa says:

    I never understood the idea of buying expensive dinnerware and only using it once or twice a year. We should definitely break it out more often and enjoy some tempting desserts off of it too!

  13. I agree there is usually more to be happy about than people think. It’s the little things that often count the most.

  14. Sheena Tatum says:

    It’s been a struggle to push past the busy schedule in order to do this. However, my days are much easier to tackle when I take those few moments to myself.

  15. It took me years to master my happiness. I always let others dictate it when really, I was the one holding the power, not them.

  16. Robin Rue says:

    The secret to happiness is seriously just to be happy. Don’t dwell when you don’t have to and to cherish the little things in life.

  17. This is a great article. Happiness is so much easier to find. We tend to look for the negative.

  18. Our Family World says:

    The secret to happiness is not really a secret. Every one can be happy. it is a choice we make. For me, I give thanks the first thing in the morning.Giving thanks for a brand new day to wake up to is enough to make me happy with my life.

  19. This is such great advice because it’s so easy for a day to go bad. As we age we see how important it is to find happiness everyday! Thanks for the reminder.

  20. Christina says:

    Simple pleasures are the very best. <3

  21. Silly Mummy says:

    I’m not always good at doing it, but I do agree with you.

  22. Jennifer says:

    I learned a long time ago that you should use the special linen for everyday use. Don’t put something away, it will never come back out. Enjoy it.

  23. Amy Desrosiers says:

    I really need to get into the moment. I think I have been missing out on appreciating the little things in life.

  24. Tony says:

    I struggle with living in the moment but it’s honestly the key to success. We spend too much time dwelling on the past or anxious about the future.

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