Happy dance for happy home

November 11, 2009

We’ll have a year’s lease on our lovely 5BR 3 Bath home in Sunnyvale, California. Enough room for us each to have an office and for us to have a home gym and a guest room both.

The dogs will have a wonderful yard and we will have a really, really nice home. We are just delighted.

Sunnyvale is on the border of what we would consider the South Bay and the Peninsula. And in fact, the City of Sunnyvale was my client in 2000 and 2001.

And while I wanted to be in Los Gatos or Saratoga, this is a great home in a convenient area, and quite near very nice, remodeled downtown Sunnyvale and its restaurants/shops.

We anticipate moving to our ‘second home’ between Jan. 15 and Feb. 1. Just in time for the ugliest time of year–rains.

But so happy that come summer, we will be away from the humidity.

PS the notebook is out and we are ready to book houseguests!

4 comments on “Happy dance for happy home
  1. Alan says:

    Congrats!! Sunnyvale is a very nice community. Can’t go wrong.

  2. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    Congratulations! Now you can breathe deep and relax before the big move!

  3. Congratulations. I’m sure you will be very happy.

  4. Thanks, all. Looking forward to it!

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