Heart in the Right Place

July 22, 2009

If you haven’t ready my friend, Carolyn Jourdan’s, memoir, Heart in the Right Place, you should do so.

I met Carolyn in 1998 at the Iowa Summer Writing Festival. We took the same class for a week and connected that way. Since then, she published the book we workshopped in Iowa.

I, on the other hand, only published a couple essays and made a false start at a book.

That was an important trip for another reason. Michael got back in touch with me while I was on my way home from Iowa that week. But I digress.

She calls it: The true story of a spoiled, high-powered Senate lawyer forced to give up a glamorous job and come back home to the Smoky Mountains to work as an unpaid and inept receptionist in her father’s tiny medical office.

It’s light, amusing, touching. Very much worth the read.

One comment on “Heart in the Right Place
  1. I really had to add this, from Carolyn, about our writing course that week:

    “I still remember the day we ditched the mid-day program and you drove us to the fancy horse (and rare dog) farm.”

    I’d almost forgotten! Leave it to me to initiate a “skip day”. Even as a 40-something

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