Help Maui fire victims

August 16, 2023


I’ll just cut to the chase: the gentle people of Lahaina need our help. Here are ways to help Maui fire victims and to ensure direct aid is provided to those in need. And many need our help.

Please joining us in donating to the Maui Strong fund and the Maui Humane Society:

The Maui Strong fund is going directly to victims. No fees. Here’s the link.

The Maui Humane Society has veterinarians stationed in the area to help pets, is giving out pet aid kits and trying to care for injured and homeless animals, also reuniting pets and families.

It needs donations & also has an Amazon list to send needed supplies directly from Amazon. See links here… (donate on Maui Humane Society website.)  Donate funds here.. Donate via their Amazon Wish list here. They say they particularly need dog and cat food, cat litter, pet beds, treats, pop up crates, collars, leashes, harnesses, food and water dishes.

You’ve read about our many visits to this beautiful island and its gentle people…we are doing everything we can to help. We hope you can join us.

Mahalo for anything you can do to help Maui fire victims.


6 comments on “Help Maui fire victims
  1. Diane says:

    This is so heartbreaking! Thank you for these links!

  2. Thank you for sharing the info!

  3. This is so helpful, Carol. Thank you.

  4. Laurie Stone says:

    Such a beautiful part of the world. Yes, will definitely help as much as I can.

  5. Jennifer says:

    Thank you for these links.

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  1. […] If you’d like to help the Maui fire victims, see my post with links to how you can help, HERE. […]

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