Henry Miller & Big Sur

May 14, 2011
If you look up “dirty old man” in the dictionary, you’ll find Henry Miller’s name. Well into his dotage he had a taste for beautiful young women and plenty of them.

If you don’t know who he is, suffice to say he was a novelist who wrote against the grain, his books were banned as obscene, and oh-by-the-way, he was also a painter… look him up. He lived for a long time in Big Sur, where his tiny memorial library stands
hidden away in a little redwood grove off Highway 1.

This sculpture is made of old computer screens, among other things, and is one of the first things you see on the short path to the library.
Redwoods are so majestic.
Solid. Enduring. Over the eons, what have they stood guard over?
That’s the dirty old man, himself, hanging from the rafters in portrait.
Might be self-portrait, I didn’t look closely enough.
Sex was the topic of his books. Always.
He was a big influence on the Beats.
This novel’s not his best, but it’s supposed to be autobiographical.
Umm. Yeah.
Miller was all about shock value.
But at least it was in
a literary way.
Unlike this gem, which I found for sale in his library:
Somehow, it’s just not the same.
7 comments on “Henry Miller & Big Sur
  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow, he is obviously a name I have heard of, but did not know details. I will have to check out his books. In my fifties I have been learning and reading about Frank Lloyd Wright, G. O’Keeffe, by visiting his homes, her art exhibits, and reading books about them. more of the “voyeur” , I guess. truth is stranger than fiction, don’t you think? beth

  2. No question there! Truth is always stranger!

  3. heather says:

    haha, i’ve never tried to look up dirty old man in the dictionary. i gots to get me one of those!!! dictionaries, that is 🙂

  4. Richter says:

    I have been looking for a portrait of Henry Miller I painted for Emil White in the late 70’s. The photo you show may be it. Is there any way to check and see if the signature says Richard Beauchamp?
    I would dearly like an image of it for my portfolio.

  5. Richter, I don’t work or live there. You can call them directly to find out. What a coincidence! Let me know if you find that it is.

  6. Rick Carufel says:

    I painted that portrait of Henry Miller in ’78 or ’79 on commission for Emil White.

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