"Honey, get the gun!"

March 1, 2012

Our neighborhood e-list has had an ongoing discussion about our many solicitors, real and fake. And by fake, I mean thieves casing homes for future robberies. Lots of concern about that. And lots of robberies to make that fear real.

I shared my husband’s idea for handling aggressive solicitors: he says we should just call out, “Honey, get the gun!”

Whether you have one or not.

Someone on the list emailed me privately HER husband’s idea: HE says we should call out “Sure, come on in–we’re just getting ready to open up the whiskey, smoke cigars and watch some porn!”

I haven’t stopped laughing since I read it.

Do you have an effective deterrent for overly-aggressive solicitors?

One comment on “"Honey, get the gun!"
  1. David says:

    “Honey, get the gun” is a perfect phrase. for any solicitor =) Thanks for the idea!

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