Honor the mother-energy in all of us this Mother’s Day

May 8, 2011

Mother’s Day is a Hallmark holiday, but it’s also a chance to honor the mother-energy in all of us. The part of us that nurtures and cares for others. That is loving and forgiving.

Whether we have children or not, whether we’re male or female, we all have that mother-love somewhere inside us. We just have to access it.

Sometimes that’s not so easy.

If we haven’t seen much nurturing or had much traditional mothering, it can be hard to access. If you know someone with a tough shell, that’s probably the case. But that soft center is still there and it wants to be touched.

So today, in honor of mothers everywhere, it’s a good day to nurture someone. Even yourself. But also a great day to reach out:

  • Give hugs indiscriminately.
  • Compliment someone.
  • Encourage them in something they’ve ventured.
  • Drop off flowers from your garden to someone who needs a lift.
  • Make a meal for a shut in.
  • Offer to baby sit. Which reminds me. To my friend H: We’re ready to sit with your beautiful baby boy….

Happy Mothers Day. If you’re lucky enough to have your own mother, give her a hug from me. I sure do miss mine!

There will be another, more personal Mother’s Day post in the morning.

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