“I had an organic box delivered one year and kept forgetting to use the vegetables, so I wasted much of it.”
This might be you, right? Because I have heard this–or the fear of it–from friends. And in fact, this used to be me. Until I discovered how to make the most of my weekly organic produce box.
If you’re considering signing up for one, and I highly recommend it, here are a few tips.
Can you customize it?
Make sure the vendor you choose allows you to customize your box each week.
Before my own produce delivery service, Farm Fresh to You, allowed this, I was always getting vegetables I had no idea how to prepare. Or too many of something. I mean, there is only so much bok choy I can prepare in one week. Finally, I stopped the service. But then, a year later, they called me back. Their new offering was customizable. Each week I get an email reminder to customize my box. Now, I get exactly what I ask for.
Can you choose the size box?
If you live alone, you don’t want a regular or large box. You want a small one. Make sure your service gives you that option.
Get it delivered to your door.
Some services deliver to a central location and you have to go pick it up. Do you really need another errand? On Tuesday nights I put last week’s empty box on my front stoop and some time in the middle of the night or early morning, it’s replaced by a box full of fruits and vegetables.
In this box was eggplant, green beans, apples, pears, carrots and Swiss chard.
Wash and even prepare them right away.
Although Riley has class on Wednesday mornings, I am up early and using an organic produce wash to make sure everything’s clean and ready to prepare. While I’m doing that, I’ll steam up the red chard or green beans so I can serve them that day or the next. If I do this right away, I won’t bury something in the fridge and find it after it’s gone bad. Oh, and use an organic produce wash.
Let experience be your guide
I got broccoli one year that was so dirty it was impossible to get clean. The dirt was so embedded between the small florets that no matter what I did, I couldn’t get it out. I no longer order broccoli. But there’s so much else to choose from I don’t miss it, and my local grocery has great broccoli. (But not as good as the AMAZING broccoli we got every week at the Santa Fe Farmers Market during our month there. It was … a larger format would be the only way to put it. Super green, big and delicious. We bought it every single week. But I digress.)
Speaking of getting credit…
I asked for credit for the broccoli, of course. Once I got green beans that turned rusty by Day 2. I emailed and got immediate credit, no questions asked. I ALWAYS get credit for something that isn’t edible and you should, too.
So, there you have it. How to make the most out of your organic produce box. Got any of your own tips? I hope you’ll share in the Comments!
Where I live in upstate New York, this type of service is limited, and I am not aware of any that deliver to my door (that, incidentally, is a must for me). Customization is a must for me, also – I have to watch my potassium intake and must avoid certain veggies. I’ll keep on the lookout, though, because I would love something like this.
we don’t have too many of those kinds of services where i live – besides, in our building, they’re always stealin stuff that’s been delivered to people
I love the idea of getting a produce box delivered to our door. I’d be apt to sign up especially during the winter months, but during the summer we have a really good size garden that serves our needs.
I have never tried this before, to be honest and it sounds delightful! Who wouldn’t want veggies and fruits delivered to their house. It’s definitely convenient.
I love the organic box service. I feel healthier just opening them! It’s fun to figure out what to do with the items. I freeze what we don’t get a chance to use. Or juice it up!
Hi Carol,
I used to subscribe to an organic delivery box service so I appreciate how important it is not to waste this healthy, organic produce. I am so delighted that you shared your tips on how to get max use out of your organic box at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party!Thank you so much for sharing your gems and for your support! All the best, Deborah
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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Where I live in upstate New York, this type of service is limited, and I am not aware of any that deliver to my door (that, incidentally, is a must for me). Customization is a must for me, also – I have to watch my potassium intake and must avoid certain veggies. I’ll keep on the lookout, though, because I would love something like this.
We don’t have a service like this around here. I’d love to have produce delivered to me, it would save me many trips to the Farmer’s Market :).
we don’t have too many of those kinds of services where i live – besides, in our building, they’re always stealin stuff that’s been delivered to people
I love the idea of getting a produce box delivered to our door. I’d be apt to sign up especially during the winter months, but during the summer we have a really good size garden that serves our needs.
I have never tried this before, to be honest and it sounds delightful! Who wouldn’t want veggies and fruits delivered to their house. It’s definitely convenient.
I love the organic box service. I feel healthier just opening them! It’s fun to figure out what to do with the items. I freeze what we don’t get a chance to use. Or juice it up!
I like the idea to let experience bet your guide. I’d love to have fresh fruits and veggies delivered to our house too.
Hi Carol,
I used to subscribe to an organic delivery box service so I appreciate how important it is not to waste this healthy, organic produce. I am so delighted that you shared your tips on how to get max use out of your organic box at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party!Thank you so much for sharing your gems and for your support! All the best, Deborah