How to make a 2024 Gratitude Bucket

January 3, 2024


When I decided to do a little gratitude bucket last year I didn’t realize how much fun it would be to unfold my entries at the beginning of 2024.

But let me start at the beginning. 

I put that little metal bucket on my kitchen counter so that I’d see it every day.  Each week, I wrote something I was grateful for on a scrap of paper, folded it and dropped it in what became my “gratitude bucket.”

Weekly was my goal, and I didn’t always make it. But most of the time, I did drop a slip in. It was so much fun to go through them all today and remember some of the highlights of 2023. You can see them clipped together on the left of the photograph.

What was I grateful for? So many things! The fun I had with friends and family here and in my hometown. Our annual trip to Maui last winter. Recovering from Covid and vertigo (different times). Our Vegas trip to the F1 race (which was likely the origin of our Covid). The pups. And so much more.

gratitude-bucketIt inspired me to do it again this year.

I’ve cut little yellow strips and dropped them into the bucket to await my entries. Can you see them?

I am pretty sure I know what this week’s entry will be. It’s a significant week.

You don’t have to do it weekly. You can drop something in your gratitude bucket any time.

When you unfold your entries next year, you might even be surprised (like I was) at some of the things you had forgotten. Oh, and I’m saving mine, clipped by year at the bottom of my bucket.

What do you think? Are you going to start one? What about doing one with your children or even grandchildren? Wouldn’t that be fun?

9 comments on “How to make a 2024 Gratitude Bucket
  1. This is a great idea—especially to do with my grandbabes!

  2. Jan Pairsh says:

    Carol, such a great idea!

  3. Laurie Stone says:

    What a great idea! You’ve given me an idea.

  4. Jennifer says:

    Chris and I do something similar, but we use a jar. We also read them together on New Year’s Eve as a way to look back over the year.

  5. That’s such a great idea. Now I have to actually do it. LOL

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