How to tell if someone’s a good friend

September 2, 2012
Curly Girl Designs-do shop with them! I do! (not a paid promo, I just love them.)
I love those long, meaty discussions about 
and the pursuit of happiness 
that I have with really good friends.
Sharing our deepest thoughts and feelings.
I love being with friends who aren’t afraid
to point out insights I may be missing
even when I may be missing them on purpose.
{Yes, moi!}
This past summer I spent time in Rochester with a friend I’ve known for 50 years.
We knew each other through the throes of our adolescence
and just before.
Through college, relationships & marriages.
It was one of the most 
days I’ve ever spent.
Just like days I’ve spent with my very closest
friends in California and Tampa.
Including some who haven’t been afraid to tell me hard truths.
What each good friend has in common with the other
is that they let me into my life a little more deeply.
And I hope I do the same for them.
How about you? What’s the mark of a good friend?

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