I love my readers giveaway

February 6, 2016

giveawayValentine’s Day is coming and love is in the air. All kinds of love!

No one loves love more than I do.

I love my dog, I love my husband, I love my friends, my house, I love my life–and I love my readers.

I do love my readers and the rich discussions that can happen here on this website.

So, because love is in the air, I have a little something for everyone who comments here today.  That’s right. EVERYONE. 

A giveaway in which everyone gets something. It could be something via email or it could be something in the mail. It could be a cosmetic item, piece of costume jewelry, a book, some washi tape, a beautiful card, a poem.  It’s all random.

If you are outside the continental US you’ll get something cool via email. Inside the US you may get some mail!

Want it? Three easy steps.

All you have to do is 1) subscribe to my blog (home page, upper right corner), 2) comment below and 3) email me your name and address at ccassara (at) aol with VALENTINE in the subject line so I know I have to send you something.

Do all three steps. Easy.

Open to anyone in the world who does the three easy steps by midnight Pacific time.   That’s right. EVERYONE.

It’s not Powerball, I know, but everyone in this giveaway is a winner. And it’s free! What do you have to lose?

15 comments on “I love my readers giveaway
  1. ryder Ziebarth says:

    OK. YOUR gift to me comes in my email EVERY morning since I have been a subscriber to your blog. You send me love and hope, humor and honestly, advice and new view points. A gift day.So here is the thing, you have overwhelmed me with gifts, and I love you for them all. Each and every one. Thank you.Happy valentines Day to YOU, Carol. xoxo

  2. Julia says:

    What fun!

  3. What a generous undertaking, Carol. Have a love filled Valentine’s day with you hubby and your fur baby!

  4. Helen says:

    Hi Carol, I enjoy reading your blog everyday first thing in the morning. Great topics and nice to know we live in the same neighborhood. Enjoy your valentines day!

  5. Alana says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Carol. I’m feeling the love! (can’t wait to see what you send me.) I should say “you didn’t have to…” I enjoy your blog; each post I read is its own little gift.

  6. Subscribed :), maybe for the second time who knows LOL. Rest assured I’m a loyal follower either way :).

  7. Abbie says:

    What a wonderful marketing idea!!! Everybody wins, I love it! I am new here, found you via Blog Share Learn 🙂 and so glad I did! Looking forward to getting to know you better!

  8. Deb says:

    Hello lovely lady!
    I just yesterday realized I hadn’t seen your blog posts via email and just did the update for my profile.
    Operator error here I am sure.
    May you have the very best gift of Love this year and always.
    That is what you give when you share.
    Hugs n mucho Love,
    Deb <3

  9. Amber Berman says:

    Love it!! 🙂 great idea and very sweet!

  10. Donna says:

    I love the gift I get from you each day….I win

  11. hillsmom says:

    Oh dear, We had a power outage so I didn’t get to sign up for whatever…in time. But not to worry, because I do get much joy from your daily postings, anyway. Do you happen to get Margaret & Helen’s Blog? Helen posts infrequently, but she usually “nails it” with her wisdom and humor. (There has been much speculation about Helen being a real octogenarian or some humorist with too much time on her/his hands. Obviously, some posts are much better than others…;^)
    Thanks for the thought & Happy Valentine’s Day.

  12. Michael B says:

    Cool, everybody loves a gift and to know they are loved. Thank you!

  13. Leandro Lima says:

    I really liked the analogy you did with powerball, lol.

  14. Luiza says:

    Great idea is as you said, It’s not Powerball but let’s go ahead …….. 🙂

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