I love orange for summer, especially when paired with any shade that approximates neon green.
The colors remind me of beach shorts, t-shirts, beach caps and generally, the happiness that is a summer day. Anywhere. Fortunately, these colors are quite in style now. Trendy, even. I love that orange bag, part of which was a birthday gift from my sister-in-law a few years ago.
Is someone still a sister-in-law after they divorce? Maybe not. Maybe they’re something even better. Maybe they’re a good friend.
I put away the green bag, but took the orange out of its winter storage this week for a very special occasion: my first real return to the campus where M. and I met 42 years ago this fall. That would be….yes, you’re right, Syracuse University–home of the Orangemen.
The building depicted is the Hall of Languages, known on campus as “HL”and built in 1871. M and I both had classes here. And yes, it is as spooky inside as it looks.
This upcoming nostalgic trip, notebook in hand, is something I’m anticipating with both excitement and apprehension. I am certain some tears will be shed as we remember being so young and innocent…. all that lay before us then and all that now lies behind us. Walking down that road is always emotional.
So, a little bit of tension-breaking SU orange hair to go with my feather, orange-polished nails and a favorite handbag. Yes, last month’s green and orange feathers remain on the other side.
What, you think there’s something strange about having a chunk of orange hair in my AARP years? I ask you: if not now…then, when?
We are on our way to our hometown (that would be Rochester, NY) this Sunday primarily for another special celebration: my nephew’s 21st birthday. He’s grown into an amazing young man and we’re so happy to be able to join him for his special day.
While there, we’re visiting with friends, some of my family and some of M’s family. I’m hoping to meet with my favorite teacher. And a visit to the cemetery is a must.
There will be lots to share, I’m sure.
PS Don’t worry; the orange will wash out in a few weeks. Not promising I won’t do it again, though.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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Love the hair. I want to copy it! After all, I got myself a blue feather.
Hope you and M have a GREAT TIME in NY! Can’t wait to read and hear all about it.
Go for it! After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Wait till you see what I’ve got planned for August!
We’re excited about the trip, it’s going to be really interesting….