“I’m not paying to take a photo of your penis-…”

June 19, 2013

carrot penisThe juice truck was parked on a busy Manhattan street with this eye-catching display of vegetables. So, of course, what’s a girl to do, but take a photograph?

“That’ll be two dollars!” yelled the enterprising entrepreneur from inside the truck, and he was serious.

“I’m not paying two dollars to take a photo of your carrot penis,” I shot back, and walked on.

There’s a price for everything, today, and that includes taking a photograph of a purposely provocative product display. Now, I know there are some who think that if I didn’t buy a juice, I should pay for the photo.  Obviously, I’m not one of them.

Of course, the display was adolescent boy stuff (although put together by a grown man). It was also vaguely offensive. It was, after all, on a public thoroughfare. It was meant to represent a penis and it did.

Also offensive was the idea that I should pay to take a photo of it.

I have to wonder if this price for everything is the American way? or if it’s a perversion of capitalism as practiced by immigrant entrepreneurs?

Or disenfranchised people? Because I remember being similarly put off when I visited a Taos pueblo and was told that if I wanted to snap photographs, they would be $5 each. (Why not instead charge admission to the pueblo?)

We live in a world in which everyone wants a buck.

Even for a snapshot of a carrot-penis.



6 comments on ““I’m not paying to take a photo of your penis-…”
  1. Kimba says:

    What a hoot! That display got your attention – so, I guess it hit it’s intended mark. But, 2 bucks for a photo – no way! Loved how you handled this guy.

  2. And a disproportionate balls to penis shot at that! If he wants money he needs to study his anatomy a little more closely!

  3. The best part was this site’s categorization of the subject matter:

    Filed Under: juicing, NYC, penis.


  4. admin says:

    John, LOL. Walker–he was pretty ballsy! (groan, I know) Kimba–it did get my attention but didn’t sell me juice!

  5. Sheryl says:

    Seriously? I don’t know what’s more ridiculous – the display or the request for money!

  6. Susan Cooper says:

    I have come across many of odd photos opps and have not taken them. This one is too funny. The guy must have figured he would market his carrot appendage and and become viral off of photos. 🙂

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