In pursuit of magic

August 12, 2013

pursuit magic

 “Quick!” girlfriend said, as we strolled down a busy Manhattan street. “You need a photo of that!”

She pointed out graffiti that read: In pursuit of magic.

It’s sort of Banksy-esque, since it’s written in stencil, but I didn’t think it was him. So I did some research, figuring nothing would come up. I was wrong.

In pursuit of magic is actually two female street artists who say they are on a crusade to elevate consciousness and amplify meaning in the world.

They have a Facebook page, too.

I love the thought of spending a life in pursuit of magic, because I think that’s what I’ve done. AND I’ve been lucky enough to find it more than once.

What magic have you found in your life? I’d love to know.

8 comments on “In pursuit of magic
  1. Frances D says:

    Finds like yours are part of the magic of Manhattan. The sidewalks of New York really are paved with gold. Living life exactly the way you want – magical.

  2. Susan Cooper says:

    What a wonderful reminder that everyday we witness magic. Sometimes the hardest thing is stopping long enough to realize what you are seeing. 🙂

  3. I actually believe in Magic- not the staged Vegas kind- but being present and recognizing the little moments that are often seemingly chaotic but have cloaked meaning. Am I being too obtuse? Heheeeeee

  4. Sheryl says:

    I can’t believe how often I discover two people I know who are somehow connected to one another. Pure magic!

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