India: My favorite photo (3 views)

December 15, 2013



Sometimes, everything works out. Lighting. Color. Backdrop. People.

This series epitomizes the beauty and magic of India and to me, looks like a scene from hundreds of years ago.

gorgeous women sari long2gorgeous women sari long sht

11 comments on “India: My favorite photo (3 views)
  1. I love it when the whole thing comes together. Part magic but part having an eye for the moment!

  2. Lovely. Such vibrant colors!

  3. Haralee says:

    Such Vibrant colors! I think the sari is such a flattering dress. Agelessness captured, well done!

  4. Nancy Hill says:

    Contemporary but timeless. I love the light, color, architecture backdrop. The now-ness of the animated conversation is amazing. Very good eye, indeed.

  5. Wow! That’s National Geographic-worthy!

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