You like bite-sized nuggets of inspiration?

December 26, 2019

inspirationSometimes you just want a bite-sized inspiration to start your day. Or make you think. Not a treatise. Not a book. One single thought.

I provide exactly that in two places you might not know about:

I’d love you to follow me on InstagramThere, you’ll find a daily nugget to start your day off right.

And on my Facebook page, where interesting comments & even discussions can also be found.

Yes, those are live links. Click to go there!

If you’d like me to follow you back, leave your social media info in the Comments. Because I love following like-minded people!

Speaking of inspiration….. if you want to provide gentle support to a friend who is healing or grieving.  a reminder that I have beautiful condolence and healing gifts at A Healing Spirit.

One comment on “You like bite-sized nuggets of inspiration?
  1. I love little bits of inspiration that spark off something in me! Sharing!

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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