Is it the law of attraction?

March 11, 2010

“You’re scary,” M. said to me the other night. “You just say you want stuff and it comes to you.”

He was referring to a trip we’ve just planned to Napa for midmonth. We’d originally planned on Sonoma that weekend, but the friend we wanted to go with isn’t up to it, and another couple wasn’t available.

I’d just said to M. that wine-tasting trips are usually more fun with others. Within 48 hours, Florida friends of his emailed that they were going to be in Napa that weekend and wanted to get together.

This kind of synchronicity happens a whole lot in my life.

“I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it happen so many times,” M. said.

I can only hope that it happens on super-important life matters. When it really counts.

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