Is the quest for love hopeless?

August 7, 2012
Everyone wants love.
Is that an exaggeration?
For sure, most people do, anyway.
And we want it sooner, rather than later.
Observing my younger friends struggle with dating and relationships
that come up short time after time
reminds me that it looks different from my vantage point, 
now that I’m past midlife.  
It’s like I’m sitting on top of a mountain 
with a clear view of what’s going on around me, 
my observations seasoned with decades of experience.
And so, to my friends who seek love and feel it may be a hopeless quest:
It isn’t.
Don’t be in a hurry. It’ll happen in its own good time, not yours.
Carry on with your life.
Look on each experience as preparation.
Stay alert, because one day, someone really will walk into your life
and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else.
What’s happening in your life now is preparing you to recognize that person.
And that’s when the real fun begins.
Trust me on that.

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