It’s called Los Gatos but could be Los Perros

March 22, 2011

Outside a store in downtown Los Gatos, Calif. that lets you pick the height at which you leash your dog.

By breed. Adorable!

It’s hard to read, but the bottom says “chihuahua.” The sun made a better photo impossible.Not that we’ve seen much of the sun since Thursday…..

3 comments on “It’s called Los Gatos but could be Los Perros
  1. The dog height post is funny! Where would Riley measure up to?
    In driving back to Ben Lomond, I always knew I was leaving Los Gatos when I passed the two-cats statues at the tavern just before starting the climb up 17! Good memories!

  2. At 10 lbs, he is a bit bigger than a chihuahua but still a small dog. Not a purse dog or a briefcase dog, maybe a rollerboard dog. 😉

  3. Oh, and BTW, The Cats roadhouse has been closed for a few years now. I always thought it was a weird place for a tavern since 17 is so dangerous sober. But I used to live right at the end of LG before the mountain on Broadway,probably less than a mile from that place.

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