Reinventing January

December 31, 2015

Untitled design(2)I’m not a big believer in New Year’s resolutions, but I do believe in starting the year with some intentions for the days and months that lie ahead.

January can be a tough time. There’s the after-holiday letdown, the cold and dark winter that seems to stretch ahead like it will never end.

But to me, January is something else. It’s a month that provides the time, peace, solitude and quiet that allow us to dig deep and think about what we want the new year to be like. To envision how our lives can be better in the coming months.

January is the perfect month to think about what we’d like to create for ourselves.

How about you? What would YOU like to create this year? No commitments, just intentions.


15 comments on “Reinventing January
  1. Happy New Year, Carol, and lots to think about for the coming year. You inspire me to dig deeper into myself to see what I really want for the coming year. Blessings to you and your loved ones.

  2. Carol,
    For the last few years I have been choosing a “word of the year” as a theme for me to follow and keep me focused. It’s a lot less stressful than “resolutions” and I’m less likely to ditch my word as opposed to those exercise classes is signed up for.

    This year’s word is “grace”. I want to move through my year with grace…taking one thing at a time and letting go of my frantic, multi-tasking ways. Even when I say it back to myself, it makes me feel calmer.

    If you had to chose a word, what do you think it would be?

    Happy new year!!!


  3. Laura says:

    January has been a stone around my neck for years and after last January when I dabbled in a near full blown depressive state I decided the best thing I can do is re-create the experience. My intention for this January is to revel in what light there is, pay close attention to the food I put in my body, and move. Financially, it isn’t realistic for me to plan a vacation to a sunny climate in January or February at this point in my life and so I must rely on living with myself in the cold Colorado winter rather than making an escape. I know I can do this, I’ve certainly done more with less. Thanks for the lovely reminder winter seasons in our lives need to be embraced and honored as much as the summers.

  4. Well here’s the third Cathy with a “C” commenting! I just saw somewhere that perhaps in January we can pretend it’s December of 2016 and look at what we would like to say about the year, perhaps as we did just a few weeks or days ago. I like this idea because it gives exactly what you are talking about…intention. So I intend to just examine what I would like the year ahead to look like, from perhaps a ‘looking back’ perspective. Thanks, Carol! Happy New Year!

  5. Barbara says:

    I have big intentions for 2016. Getting my memoir published or, at the very least, ready to be published and finishing the 2nd children’s book in the Duffy Chronicles, Adventures with Cosmo.
    For the first time in years, I’m feeling very positive about goals and intentions.
    Oh…BAM! Can’t wait for that.

  6. Jennifer says:

    Just intentions for me Carol! I dumped resolutions years ago. Last year I chose a word to focus on, but this year I’m changing that up too. Happy New Year!!

  7. Amy Bovaird says:

    Haha! I’m trying to remember my word from last year. I haven’t much of a clue except I remember it had something to do with pursuing a deeper spiritual walk Coping with my sister’s death in Jan of last year made me so vulnerable. I think I trust God more. This year I don’t have all the fears and turmoil that surrounded losing her. I’m more directed. I have just finished an audio version of my book and I’d like to get 3 more out this year. I still have the loss in my life to cope with. Nothing will ever be the same. But I’m not so broken. I’m more confident and goal-oriented and I think my sister would like that.

  8. WendysHat says:

    I love January because things are quieter and cleaner than all the hustle and bustle of December. Great time to think about what really matters and start anew.

  9. Mary says:

    Resolutions are not my thing. I too, like January to think about the past year and what I can do to make the current year the best for myself and those around me. Happy New Year, Carol!

  10. Robin Herman says:

    My intentions are to:
    1) Enjoy the endorphin boost of exercise more often to help get back to feeling strong in body and mind
    2) Create lots of art
    3) (newest intention thanks to you) Make a set time to read every week and do it!

  11. I hope to create more space to just BE, not be obligated. Space to be and do what I want, too, rather than what I feel obligated to be and do. Perhaps it would be more succinct to simply say I intend for 2016 to be the year of no obligations. (Fingers crossed I can stick to it — without pissing anyone off or losing any clients. :-D)

  12. Alana says:

    I chose the word “determination” because my husband and I have to find some kind of balance between our jobs and caregiver for my 88 year old mother in law and my developmentally disabled brother in law. I am determined not to lose my identity.

  13. Lisa Froman says:

    I want to create hope, inspiration and beauty using my words, poetry, and essays, as my tools.
    Happy New Year to you!

  14. My birthday is in January so it’s pretty much a continuous celebration for me. By February, I’m ready to start the new year 🙂

  15. Michelle R says:

    Lately, I try to have the same vision day-to-day — to be a better me. A better person, a better wife, a better mom, a better friend, a better sister, a better business owner, etc. With all the hats we all wear, I find for myself, it’s easy to falter. I’ve done the word thing, and if I post it up over my desk, I find it actually helps. So this year, to help me be a better me, I’m picking two words, thoughtful and present. I’m hoping to be more thoughtful about my actions and interactions this year, and to be present in each situation.

    Wishing you a quiet and thoughtful January, and all the best in 2016.

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