This is a lesson that many of us must learn. “Pick yourself up, Dust yourself off, and start all over again”. The first time is pretty hard, I just wonder if the next big one will be easier now that I know the truths?
It is difficult when a loved one has cancer or another disease where they are fighting for their life. I know just being there as a friend means a lot.
Thank you for this. Sometimes we all need to be reminded that life is not always rosy and happy and fun – sometimes its just real.
I try to remember each day that you just put one step in front of the other to keep moving forward. Sometimes you have to take a step back – but that doesn’t mean you have given up – you just have to appreciate where you have been.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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Your tips are a great reality check.
This is a lesson that many of us must learn. “Pick yourself up, Dust yourself off, and start all over again”. The first time is pretty hard, I just wonder if the next big one will be easier now that I know the truths?
We have to remember this, not only when we see terrible things happen to others, but all the time.
It is difficult when a loved one has cancer or another disease where they are fighting for their life. I know just being there as a friend means a lot.
Thank you for this. Sometimes we all need to be reminded that life is not always rosy and happy and fun – sometimes its just real.
I try to remember each day that you just put one step in front of the other to keep moving forward. Sometimes you have to take a step back – but that doesn’t mean you have given up – you just have to appreciate where you have been.
Yes, sometimes you do have to take a step back. It’s just hard to go all the way back! 😉 Thanks for the good comments, everyone!