Killer Hot Chocolate

June 18, 2009

We ended our trip on a relaxing note—up early on Monday and a nice, long walk on a beautiful San Francisco morning to Ghirardelli Square, where we had the most delicious cup of hot chocolate.

Perfect chocolate and real whipped cream. YUMMY way to start the day.

And where I saw a woman who was a dead ringer for the actress Helen Hunt. Except for how awfully casually she was dressed and how average her male companion was.

But still.

Then we headed back to the financial district, and lunched at a tiny café.

It was nice to have the leisure to enjoy the little things in life. Like a perfect hot chocolate.

While it’s true that many people are focused on solving their problems, I don’t think that trouble has to trump all pleasure in life.

We choose.

So despite your situation, it’s important to stop, breathe in pleasure, breathe out negativity, and enjoy that cup of hot chocolate.

Savor pleasure.

If only for a moment.

One comment on “Killer Hot Chocolate
  1. Alan says:

    I’m glad their hot chocolate is good. Their hot fudge sundaes are pretty lame. Four years ago I paid $6.50 for a sub-standard sundae. Next time let me know you’re visiting as I work right at Market & Powell.

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