Why not start a kindness movement?

November 15, 2023


Let’s start a kindness movement. You know, one in which every day we identify acts of kindness we can do to benefit another. Then, we do them. They don’t have to be big, elaborate or time-consuming. Small ones are appreciated just as much!

It’s really not hard. These opportunities present themselves every day, if we pay attention.

Sometimes, it takes a little creativity. So here are a few ideas to start you off:

Compliment everyone you see today. “That looks great on you!” “Wonderful smile!” “Love your sweater!”

If you’re making a side dish, make some extra or bake cookies as a surprise for a neighbor.

Write a few anonymous affirming notes and slip them into books at a bookstore or library.

Send a thinking of you card or note. Not an email. Not a text. Actual MAIL. Yes, with a stamp and everything!

Is someone you know recently widowed or alone a lot of the time? Invite them out for a coffee.

Send a gratitude note to someone who has done you a kindness.

Pay the toll for the person behind you.

Send or drop off pet supplies to your local animal shelter.

Drop flowers off at a nursing home. Even better if you can drop blooms in recycled glass jars so many residents can have their own.

Pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant. Secretly. (I used to do this all the time when I dined out for work, especially if I overheard a conversation that they were splurging on a special meal. I once heard a couple who obviously didn’t have much money talking about how they would use their coupon for a free meal. I secretly paid their bill and loved hearing them wonder who paid for it–just loved every minute of their joy!)

I’m sure you can think of many more on your own. So why not print out this calendar and keep track?

I promise you that remembering these kindnesses will make you, too, so happy!


8 comments on “Why not start a kindness movement?
  1. Diane says:

    Absolutely wonderful idea! And such amazing suggestions!!! I’m on it. Baking brownies as we speak!

  2. Laurie Stone says:

    So wonderful. Love them all and will put them into action!

  3. Alana says:

    We need something like this movement. It’s like the entire world has turned on itself. Sometimes, it’s the small movements that create big results. Kindness. But how? The note appeals. When was the last time I wrote a note, anyway? The time has come.

  4. Jennifer says:

    I love the idea of slipping notes into library books. And I love that you would secretly pay for people’s meals.

  5. I love all the ideas although I probably won’t pay for someone’s dinner soon. Kindness is something we all need right now.

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