One life, don’t blow it!

May 9, 2015

Yes, that IS our new kitchen counter.

We had our first Kona Brewing Company beer at a party we attended the other night.  I wasn’t surprised to see the brand, since our friends have a place in Hawaii, too, and go often.  I WAS surprised at how much I loved the beer and how much it really did taste like Liquid Aloha.  Good to know, since we’re heading to Hawaii in December we think. So we bought some. We know it’ll be our go-to beer in Hawaii and I’m betting we’ll be buying more here at home.

M. dug the Golden Ale, but me? I liked this one:

Kona2The Island Lager really hit the spot as we sat talking to folks about travel and dogs and life. Ahhhh…definitely an Aloha moment.  And then, the next day, I started paying attention to their TV commercials. Have you seen them? They are HILARIOUS!  Really, do take a look. It’ll make your day.

The case for single-tasking had me laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe:

Dear mainland….(still laughing).  And then, “Sad Hour?”  The icing to the cake.

“One life, right? Don’t blow it!”  Got a fave funny commercial? Tell us which one. But first:

Speaking of Hawaii–I can’t ever think of the state without thinking of the beautiful soul of dear Iz and his equally beautiful version of Over the Rainbow, which I am sharing below. It ends with his family scattering his ashes on the water in a moving memorial.

Kona mikeWe raised a glass to him… gone too soon, Iz, too soon. See you over the rainbow.

21 comments on “One life, don’t blow it!
  1. Suzy Robeson says:

    I saw your post on Boomeon and went right to your blogsite. I love your video and comments about Iz. Thank you so much.

  2. Some souls just shine beauty.

  3. Jennifer says:

    Iz was the very best. This is one of my all time favorite songs. He sings it better than anyone!

  4. I love his mellow tone. What a beautiful rendition of the song Over the Rainbow.

  5. I had heard this song before – this artist. Didn’t know who it was and don’t know his story. I can see from your post he is no longer alive. So so sad. The rest is just funny. Thank you Carol.

  6. Eyeland Gurl says:

    Hilarious! Thanks for making me laugh!

  7. So many of my favorite things in this post!

  8. Oh, a longtime favorite Over The Rainbow. Love, love, love.

    I’ll definitely try the Kona beer. Kona coffee is THE best, so I imagine the beer would be fab, too. Thank you!

  9. I’ll have to look out for that beer here in the UK. I’ll also play the song and dream of being on a Hawaiian beach. Great post.

  10. Well, well, the even funnier of Carol is very funny! Ha!!! Of course with some melancholy and sad news added in. Such a shame. Great post, Carol.

  11. Bonnie Gean says:

    If I could stow away on the boat to Hawaii, I would. 🙂

    The partner and I want to take in the Bahamas this year. I don’t drink beer (I love wine) and the partner doesn’t partake in the suds at all, otherwise we would try your beer suggestion.

    Have a drink on me! 🙂


    – Bonnie

  12. Carolann says:

    Now I feel like having a beer. And I don’t even drink. And yes, one life don’t blow it indeed!

  13. Alana says:

    Liquid aloha. What does liquid ahola taste like? I’m intrigued Also intrigued by how they pronounce “Hawai’i”. One of four states I haven’t visited. Yet.

  14. Diane says:

    If you want me to be interested in the product you are selling, make me smile. Make me laugh. Or make me cry. These brothers are perfect! I’ve never tasted beer and I want to go out and buy some of this! Well done, Kona Brewing company!
    P.S. And I LOVE that song!!!

  15. Holly says:

    perfect is right!

  16. What a beautiful man! I haven’t seen that beer on the East Coast. I’ll have to be on the look out for it. My favorite commercial right now is the United Healthcare “Dirty Dancing” commercial. It’s hilarious.

1 Pings/Trackbacks for "One life, don’t blow it!"
  1. […] take a look at this post I did earlier in the year about Hawaii. And […]

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