Late breaking happy news

March 24, 2009

A former client and now a friend–a very cool (and strong) woman–had a prophylactic hysterectomy today. She’s a breast cancer survivor whose family history was such that this was the best way to be sure she didn’t get ovarian cancer.

She’s had several surgeries over the past few years, and her recovery from each has been really great. In the midst of all this, she got married.

Her husband just emailed that she came out of surgery and is doing well. Yay! Here in south Tampa, Riley and I are doing the happy dance!

Women are incredibly strong.

Girlfriend, you are an inspiration to us all.

One comment on “Late breaking happy news
  1. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    GOOD FOR HER!!!! YAYYYYY!!! Very good decision making. Out with these killer organs! Out out out!!

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