Lazy days of August

August 1, 2014


August brings with it the dog days of summer, those hot and lazy days that we know are numbered. The month is all the sweeter for our certainty that, before long,  leaves will start turning color.

Empty hammock strung from palm trees

August is meant for lazy hours dozing in a hammock.


Or lazily rowing on some scenic water on day with nothing planned but enjoyment.


Dipping hot feet in icy-cold river water is a favorite past-time in northern California, especially at Yosemite or Big Sur.


Sweet and sticky watermelon juice running down your chin is not just a pleasure for children.


Biting into the flesh of a succulent stone fruit is something we miss in winter.



Who doesn’t like a pretty, fruity summer cocktail?

Summer, the Jersey Shore

Summer, the Jersey Shore

Or a summer week at the shore.

PicMonkey Collage

It’s the last month for fun summer pedicures.


Sunflowers reach for sustenance, bringing yellow cheer to tables everywhere.


if you’re lucky, you’ll enjoy some fresh summer rain…we’re not lucky in California and we miss the sound of raindrops.

So–what’s up for you in August?

Let me know below and Riley will choose one lucky commenter at random who will receive summer goodies.

51 comments on “Lazy days of August
  1. Ryder Ziebarth says:

    That was a lovely post! I’ll be writing, reading poolside, walking ,gazing at the gardens and eating lots of jersey peaches and tomato sandwiches. I love summer at this farm. Its paradise here. Truly. I am very grateful for the life I have, but especially in the summer!

  2. Beautiful pictures depicting all I love about summer.

  3. What am I looking forward to in August? Spending a few weeks in New Mexico, and seeing mother in law FINALLY recuperate from her surgery (it’s been a rough year for her). Also a surprise baby shower next weekend that I do think I pulled off for my stepdaughter… And then looking forward to September, and hopefully a trip to Vegas with my Mom and Dad. And omg November will NEVER get here will it? That is when I finally go to Providence to get my Certified Zentangle Teacher license! woot!

  4. We are picking up our first bountiful basket. I am looking forward to more weekends at the farmer’s market and get togethers with friends.

  5. Such beautiful photos Carol that really capture the best of summer!

  6. Your messages are a visual hug.

  7. My first Grand Niece is going to be baptized and then there will be a big party. My husband Walt’s bday is today and I am having a month long festival for him (he’s 55).

  8. Hi Carol! Great photos and lovely reminders! Thom and I are spending the month up in a little mountain town named Idyllwild (we do it every summer) where it stays MUCH cooler than our desert home. It’s a great time to sit in the trees, take hikes/walks in the forest and hang out with friends. I plan to seriously enjoy the month! ~Kathy

  9. kim tackett says:

    August….sending Alex to Amsterdam (yes, I am one-note) and my birthday!!!

  10. I was relaxed just looking at these beautiful pictures. And that cocktail looks mighty good……

  11. Love those pictures! Sigh …

  12. Lana says:

    Lovely! August is one of my favorite months – it’s one of the most beautiful in Seattle.

  13. Ah, yes… August. I was just perusing my sunflower patch this morning, happy to see their happy faces turned to the sun. The last few days have been rainy so today’s sunshine was a welcome reminder that we have few weeks of such bliss left. (And thank God it’s cooler than July was!!)

  14. I am just hoping that August is better than this July was for me. My husband and I will be celebrating our 30th anniversary this month, but have nothing planned yet.

  15. Ellen Dolgen says:

    The best that summer has to offer! Love the beautiful pictures!

  16. Haralee says:

    Great photos! August is bounty month from our garden. Today I am making my first batch of pickles. In about 10 days there will be corn, a crop I miserly share it is sooooo good.

  17. Carol Oddy says:

    The month of August will be spent looking after the flower and vegetable gardens in the front and back of the house. In the small front yard we have lots of flowers, most are planted but some are in pots. In our small back yard we have two raised bed gardens, one is vegetables the other is blueberries, one plum tree and some flowers as well. It keeps me busy weeding, in the afternoons we go to the lake for a cooling swim.

  18. Your photos are amazing. Now I want to eat watermelon and walk barefoot in a mountain stream.

  19. Laurel Regan says:

    Beautiful post – it made me long for summer (because the weather we’re currently experiencing here is more like fall!). Here’s hoping. 🙂

  20. I know this sounds lame, but I’ll enjoy the last couple weeks of not having to drive our daughter to school. We moved last year and went from a round-trip drive that took about 15 minutes tops to one that can last for an hour on a bad day. Now, I know that’s nothing compared to CA traffic, but here in Des Moines, IA, that’s a pain in the arse. Mornings are so much more relaxed when we don’t have to scramble out of the house trying to time the trip just right to avoid as much traffic as we can. But only one more year, and then she’ll be at the school down the street so she’ll be able to walk or bike or skateboard. Yay!!

  21. Your photos are gorgeous and evoke all that is wonderful about the summer. I’ll be enjoying fresh Jersey tomatoes, peaches and blueberries this weekend, yum!

  22. These photos are just gorgeous. You captured everything I still need to do this summer, I need to get busy.
    I decided yesterday that I was going to do at least one fun thing outside every day for the rest of the summer.
    Have a beautiful weekend.

  23. I love August so much…shooting stars, crickets and warm evenings! Perfect! I love the pictures!

  24. Janie Emaus says:

    It is HOT. HOT. HOT!!! in LA today. And with a hot flash on top of the heat, I’m melting.

  25. My hubby and I bought a canoe on Sunday to get a few hours here and there to ourselves. Had a glorious evening in it Monday. Everyday since its been rsining and cold! Like 7 inches of rain in 2 days and highs at 68 or 69. This is August in SC it’s supposed to be hot, sunny and humid as hell!

  26. mellie says:

    Hi Carol- I so love reading your posts! I find them so calming in an other wise hectic world. I will be heading up to my hometown in the cool Georgia mountains for my book signing tomorrow. There’s nothing like entertaining a few old friends on Mama’s veranda while churning homemade peach ice cream with fruit from her trees and waiting for the lightning bugs to appear at dusk.

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