Letting go

October 29, 2011
Art by Kara Taylor

Friends fell away as I individuated on my soul’s journey.
As I shed one self-sense, I no longer identified with the people attached to it.
Old ways of interacting seemed artificial, scripted, silly.
Whereas before it was fine to hang out and waste time,
now there was no time to lose.
Now I had to protect my sacred purpose
from connections that undermined it.

-Jeff Brown

People come and go in our lives, that’s a fact, but there are times when the “go” part is pretty painful. No matter how you cut it, the death of any kind of relationship is a loss. Even if it’s a loss of our hopes and dreams.

Maybe especially then.

I think, though, that this is a good way to look at the inevitable transitions in our lives. Not all of the “goings” fit this particular criterion, but some will. Maybe even the most piercing of the losses.

Oh, and by the way: we all have a sacred purpose.

We might not get what it is yet, but we do have one.

All of us.

(hand sassily on hip) “Uh huh….”

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