Letting go

September 5, 2010

It’s Sunday, the day some of us reserve to think about spiritual things. This morning, I’m thinking about the things we hold on to, even when they don’t serve us.

Grudges. Resentment. Bitterness. Hurt. Hostility. Ill will. Defensiveness.

Nothing good comes of letting that stuff course through us.

This would be a good day to gather up all the negative energy and just let it go, like a balloon floating up into the sky until it finally disappears.

Wave goodbye as it disappears from sight and is gone for good.

One comment on “Letting go
  1. So with you on this one! We weigh ourselves down so much, don’t we? Forgiveness helps in the letting go… especially self-forgiveness, because most grudges and ill will we have kinda starts with ourselves. And even when it doesn’t “necessarily” the first person we hurt with it is definitely ourselves.

    I am just back from a couple weeks trip, playing catch up, and wanted to let you know I received two letters from you! What a story!!! So loving being penpals! 🙂

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