Letting your freak flag fly

September 27, 2010

“Don’t you think that color’s a little…Goth?” my husband asked, as he surveyed my nails, painted British Racing Green, thanks to my new bottle of Butter.

“I’m afraid some of my friends will judge me if ….” a friend said the other day.

Well, hell. I gave up worrying about what other people think a long time ago.

What good’s getting older if you can’t let your freak flag fly?

Normal is so….boring.

If yours is flying, tell us how.

If you dare.

2 comments on “Letting your freak flag fly
  1. I Do Declare says:

    Amen! I got my first non-traditional color on my toes just last week. It’s brown – a big step for a girl who is usually red or pale pink – ha! I like it, though! And my friends, who are very fashion-forward and on top of trends thought I was the freak b/c I have always been scared to try something off the fray….

    Have fun on your big trip!

  2. I love brown! And dying for the new Chanel Khaki Brun and keep forgetting to buy it.

    And good for you!

    I’m doing grey for my big trip. And I found a really nice midnight blue. To tell you the truth I think they look better on my hand than red/pink colors, at this age. Am in love with my grey!

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