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I love it too!. Took a while to get there, but I’m close!
That is fantastic, Nancy!
Very good advice, I’m looking at things differently this year as well. Learning to pace myself, remember what is REALLY important to me, and taking off bite sized chunks of my goals so I don’t get overwhelmed.
Yes, one bite at a time is a good way to make progress without going crazy with the pressure.
Very good reminder to live life by.
I love that so much. I”m always looking to better myself, and sometimes it can be hard to do that. This is a great way to keep myself in check.
I’m going to take your advice and use it in my life. I need a life goal to live by.
Love it.
I’m loving this. It really makes you think. I’m trying to get there myself.
Love it and will have to continually ask myself that !
my “life goal” is to be living a life that glorifies God in every way possible. That is the only way as far as i’m concerned…
What an awesome reminder of how we should live. It’s great to be able to reach for this kind of goal. Thanks!
I love this. Thank you for reminding me that this is how we should live.
I just recently posted something about being the best you can be each moment–very similar to being the highest version of yourself. I am glad you saw Christians living up to what they believe. Too many people don’t, but we have to remember that if you are a Christian, the relationship should be between you and Christ, and you shouldn’t let the actions of another taint it.