Boomers look ahead

February 28, 2021

The other day I ran across my diary from 1968, when I was a mere 17 years old. Besides the delight of introducing my almost 70-year old self to my teenage self, i was amazed at the things I didn’t remember.  If only I’d kept diaries more than sporadically!

That may be one reason why I love blogs. And this week, I’ve got a treat for you–some of my favorite bloggers on a variety of topics.

Haven’t we had enough stress lately? Rebecca Olkowski, with finds solace and gets creative working in the garden. Here is why gardening is beneficial to Baby Boomers if you have any room at all to play with plants.

The pandemic has changed our habits in many ways.One change for many folks is the use of shopping services. When I look ahead, I see this in my non-Covid future, too! Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin utilized, for the first time, a shopping service for groceries. She summarizes the pros and cons of grocery shopping the curbside pick-up way in her post Stocking My Pantry the On-line Way.

For the last week, Jennifer of Unfold and Begin, has been in a funk. She couldn’t get out of it and she couldn’t figure out why she was in it. Then February 23rd came around, and she realized it would have been her sister’s 74th birthday. In Yes, I Still Miss Her, Jennifer writes about missing her.

If your income has decreased during the pandemic, taking a look at your income and expenses can help you through tough times, advises Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. You can identify expenses to cut or reduce and purchases to delay, which will leave money for priorities.

Welcome to Laurie Stone of Musings, Rants & Scribbles‘ house, where everyone gets a turn at the culinary wheel. There’s five family members living there – Laurie’s husband Randy and herself, two adult sons, and her 80-something year old mom. Thankfully, everyone takes a turn one night a week procuring dinner. Over time, five distinct styles have emerged.

Is it the weather? The change of seasons? The stress of Covid? Whatever the reason, Tom at Sightings Over Sixty has been suffering a relapse in his arthritis. So this week in Stepping Ahead of Arthritis he reviews the treatments that seem to work for him … and maybe you too.

And if Jennifer’s post about missing her sister resonated with you, consider some of my beautiful grief tools over at A Healing Spirit.

10 comments on “Boomers look ahead
  1. Wow, these are all great and relatable topics; a few I will also read!

  2. laurie stone says:

    Great job, Carol! Always fun to read everyone’s posts.

  3. Karen Austin says:

    Thanks for the round up of Boomer blogs. I am familiar with a couple of these blogs, but it is nice to have some new ones to explore.

  4. I love all these posts this week. Great job.

  5. Susan Foster says:

    Thanks for pointing me in the direction of these good reads! There are some really interesting topics in these links.

  6. Beth HAvey says:

    We do have interesting lives and the best part is our community, that we share those lives, live each others through our posts. I am grateful for this community. Whether I’m read every week or not, I feel bonded to everyone here. Sharing is caring is kinda saccharine, but at the same time it’s true.

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