Looking back at 2012

December 31, 2012
2012 floats up, up & away at midnight!
We’re closing off 2012 tonight, can you believe it?
Well into the 21st century, our nation has yet to effectively handle its many issues. War, violence, poverty, hunger, economic, social–so damn many problems and so little progress.
The only real way to mark progress is on a personal level.
With any luck (or more accurately, effort),
we’ve each moved a bit further along in our evolution as human beings.
I am so blessed. But, that doesn’t mean everything is perfect.
Quite the contrary. We’re all works in progress, and “progress” is the key word.
As we end one year and start a new one, it’s time to look back. How far have I come?
Here’s what I saw in my look back at 2012.
Yes, those caps are clickable links.
I learned to FORGIVE.
I learned to LET GO.
I found old family photos and even some of our first WEDDING back in 1972.
I learned to FOLLOW MY BLISS.
I learned for the first time in a long time that going home again can be FUN.
I had amazing, life-changing EXPERIENCES .
It was hard to say GOODBYE TO MOROCCO.
And yet, time moves on and so do we.
Ring in the new year safely, tonight! See you in 2013.
5 comments on “Looking back at 2012
  1. Janie Emaus says:

    I learned that the best and the worst of times co-exist.

  2. Grace Hodgin says:

    Sounds like you are progressing wonderfully and have a great outlook.
    I am looking forward to 2013 and all the magic it will bring.

  3. Jennifer Comet Wagner says:

    If everyone could learn all the things that you did this world would be a better place.

  4. Ellen Dolgen says:

    Great re-cap! I wish you an even more successful 2013 :>)

  5. What a year! I’m glad 2012 brought us into each others lives.

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