Looking for great juicing recipes

June 16, 2012

We just bought our first juicer. It’s been sitting on the counter for a week.

Now we’re looking for some great, healthy juicing recipes.

And tips!

Got some good juicing recipes and advice for us?

Please share!

6 comments on “Looking for great juicing recipes
  1. Anonymous says:

    I have a couple that I absolutely love! I found them on the internet;

    2 Beets
    2 Carrots
    1 Apple (I like Granny Smith)
    1″ of ginger

    2 Apples
    1/2 Cucumber
    1/2 Lemon (peeled)
    1/2 cup of Kale
    3 Celery Stalks
    1/2 bunch of parsley
    1″ of ginger
    1/2 head of Romaine lettuce

  2. What’s the predominant taste of each? And thanks!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ginger and beets in the first recipe, and celery and apples in the second. You’re welcome.

  4. Wheng says:

    Hi..just wondering what brand of juice you bought… as i´m searching for a quality juice. Thanks

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