Many of us are looking for the light in these dark times.
Does that describe you? It certainly describes me. Because I am seriously distressed with what I see from some of my fellow citizens. I know I’m not alone.
Sometimes it is more than I can bear. Kids in cages, separated from their parents, mistreated in the name of politics. Nastiness said aloud over and over. Personal attacks and vendetta. And the tone set at the top, giving permission for ugly and violent behavior. Misogyny and racism.
How did this happen?
I can’t remember a time in my life when our country operated so openly and completely from these dark places, a time in which we more needed a higher power and our higher selves.
Talking to people who act this way, I sense their fear–of what, really? I wonder. What is so frightening that they’ve lost the light?
How are they able tamp down everything they say they believe at Mass? How do they continue to feel so holy as they speak in tongues and yet so casually forget about the downtrodden? How do they square exhorting the name of Jesus (who by the way, would be rolling in his grave if he had one to roll in) with their own unkind acts, beliefs and politics?
They don’t see the inconsistencies in what they say they believe and what they do, how they act.
Ignoring the tears of children
Here we sit in a dark and sad place. A desolate place. While little children cry for their parents.
It is heartbreaking.
But I don’t see those dark hearts breaking.
It’s laughable when these fundamentalist preachers cry that opposition to that awful man in the Oval is “demonic.” I’ll tell you what’s demonic: they are. How they influence ignorant people to believe that it is okay to treat children and people in need the way the government does. How they support a man whose behavior is antithetical to everything Christ believed. And they do it in the name of Jesus, who was the kindest, most loving being ever, perhaps.
That’s demonic.
Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers for by doing so, some have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
We need to find the light again. And these fake Christians definitely need to be challenged. Because what they represent ain’t Christianity at all.
In the meantime, won’t you find ways to step up and help others?
As Tommy Shane Steiner wrote in a song I’ve always loved:
What if he’s an angel sent here from Heaven And he’s making certain that you’re doing your best To take the time to help one another Brother are you going to pass that test You can go on with your day to day Trying to forget what you saw in his face Knowing deep down it could have been his saving grace What if he’s an angel….
Since that horrible man entered the picture I have lost friends, I’ve lost hope and I’ve lost the ability to understand how people could be so cruel to each other. What happened to “treat others the way you’d like to be treated!
Pick out something you can do that’s positive for you, your family, or society and focus on that. We all need to do something to make the world better in this era of Trump. I write blog articles to help consumers, so that’s what I do every day. When an issue comes up about the Trump administration dismantling consumer or environmental policies, I write about that. Trump is temporary. We’ve never had a leader like him before. It will take a decade, but we’ll be able to repair the damage he and his administration are doing.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
I love comments, so if something resonates with you in any way, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by–oh, and why not subscribe so you don’t miss a single post?
Since that horrible man entered the picture I have lost friends, I’ve lost hope and I’ve lost the ability to understand how people could be so cruel to each other. What happened to “treat others the way you’d like to be treated!
Pick out something you can do that’s positive for you, your family, or society and focus on that. We all need to do something to make the world better in this era of Trump. I write blog articles to help consumers, so that’s what I do every day. When an issue comes up about the Trump administration dismantling consumer or environmental policies, I write about that. Trump is temporary. We’ve never had a leader like him before. It will take a decade, but we’ll be able to repair the damage he and his administration are doing.