It’s so important to stop, rest, take a break–even in the midst of all the craziness in our world. To not lose heart.
How easy it is to spin out on the crazies, to focus on what we don’t have right now (and haven’t for 18 months or so) and push what we do have to the back burner. Mea culpa.
The word ‘gratitude’ feels overused, yet, counting our blessings is an effective way to fight back against the negativity so pervasive in our world.
Focus on loving friends and family. (Count those blessings.)
Play with your pets. (They really are a blessing, unbothered by the bigger world because they don’t have to be in it. YOU are their world.)
Stare at your garden. (They ail, they die, they regrow: the cycle of life)
Forest bathe. (Nature is eons old, regenerating after floods, fires and wind; rain, snow and earthquake. We’ll survive, too.)
Take a luxurious bubble bath. (Pause and relax.)
Cook something wonderful. (A helpful focus in stressful times.) Then eat it!
See friends who share your health and safety values. (It’s important to be with people, while remaining safe. We love our patio luncheons with safe friends.)
These are some of the things I’ve been doing. What do you do to rest and regenerate? I’d love to know in the comments.
I go to the Y pool almost every day, to tread water and chat with other women doing the same thing. We rant, console, exchange information, and laugh. We laugh a lot: wonderful medicine.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
I love comments, so if something resonates with you in any way, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by–oh, and why not subscribe so you don’t miss a single post?
Sounds good.
This is perfect timing. It’s much too easy falling pray to the craziness in our country.
It’s a constant battle, Susan. Every day.
I go to the Y pool almost every day, to tread water and chat with other women doing the same thing. We rant, console, exchange information, and laugh. We laugh a lot: wonderful medicine.
It’s nice to have laughter and compadres. But I am going nowhere near a gym or that close to anyone else.
Carol, you always have wonderful ideas. This is lovely. Thanks for being my FB friend.
Aww, Beth. The feeling is mutual.
All of the above! You’ve hit every single one of my positive plusses! Well done, you!
Now that does not surprise me at all!