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Will share! Oh, and I love that REM song.
Timely post. We were just discussing that the other day….Great song!
This is such an important topic for discussion, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Both my parents are 80 and I worry more and more about their driving but I can’t imagine having to give up the independence that comes along with a license. We really do come full circle as we age…
Fine line between losing, slipping, and taking away. Looking forward to the rest of your thoughts on Boomeon!
Off to Boomeon to read!
I left a comment on Boomeon. And I don’t know if you noticed but my Senior Planet editor invited you to send her the link to your piece.
My uncle is in his early 90s and still driving. Yeah, I’m worried but have absolutely no pull with him. As for myself, I’m not nearly as worried about giving up my keys, but then, I don’t own a car anymore and have been using public transportation to get around most of the time. We do rent a car now and then, but when the time comes to stop driving, I know I can still get around for the most part. And I’m not in that urban an area, although it’s better than a lot of places.