Love and scandal

November 12, 2012
Love & scandal
are the 
best sweeteners of tea.
-Henry Fielding
This is as true in the early 21st century
as it was in the 1700s… as General Petraeus
and Paula Broadwell
have learned.
What do you think,
on this Veteran’s Day?
7 comments on “Love and scandal
  1. Great question and great photo. Think times have changed, but your picture suggests not as much as we may think!

  2. Yes, we still like to gather over tea and cluck-cluck over scandal! 😉

  3. Janie Emaus says:

    I’ll concentrate on the Veterans,too. I live with one and know too many whose lives have been changed by wars.

  4. I guess I prefer to focus on the veterans. These people have lost site of what’s important.

  5. I wish my investments portfolio value could remain as timeless and unchanging as these types of scandals remain through all of history.

  6. Haralee says:

    Just could not have been worse timing for this to come out. Diverts the attention away from Veterans and their day!

  7. I think it’s done a great service–pointing out that even a guy like DP can exercise bad judgment, not to mention pick a woman who has acted the crazy part, and destroy his career and legacy, so perhaps one should be just a little careful about the choices they make. So I like that it’s been publicized. This led to a huge discussion last night with hubby about Clinton, Monica, LBJ, JFK…etc.
    Personally, I don’t think the vets were hurt by this. We love our vets even if we are pacifists. Like moi.

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