Love without legalities

November 20, 2011

Here in the 21st century our lives are chock-full of relationships
that remain long after “official” status gone.
Like an in-law.
{I hate the “in-law” designation.}

Or maybe we’re particularly close to someone who never had “official” status.

What’s an in-law after a divorce?

What’s a friend that’s more than a friend but not a relative?

We have no words for relationships full of love but not legalities.

Well, actually we do. I just heard them:


She may not be your sister-in-law,
but she may well be your sister-in-love.

Perhaps she didn’t make mother-in-law status,
but she remains your mother-in-love.

Because really, relationships of any kind
–including these—
are all about love.

{Thanks, Dawn G for calling this to my attention.}

One comment on “Love without legalities
  1. Ang Marie says:

    Love this, thank you!

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