Birds love Lovers Point

March 31, 2015

20150312_134400Oh, the life of a bird on the Monterey peninsula. This gull is perusing his domain at Lover’s Point in Pacific Grove, Calif., not too far from where I used to live.  The cawing of gulls was the soundtrack of my life then, and I loved it.

20150312_134358“Too quiet!” says a friend who still has a house there.  But that’s what I liked about it.  For me, “too quiet!” is an inspirational quote for women. It certainly inspires ME! Stay in your head if you like…or, like the gull,  turn  your head and observe people. Lots of people, because that part of the Pacific coast is a tourist magnet.

20150312_134329Still, it’s not that difficult to perch just out of reach … to not let weekend crowds interfere with life.  It’s hard to fault them–they’re just enjoying what those of us who lived there appreciate.


I love how this gull is gazing pensively back at the small city of Pacific Grove.  The place calls itself America’s Last Hometown. I don’t know about that. But I do love it.  Back in the day it was known for its fog, but in recent years the fog seems to have lifted, at least most of the time.

PG sail closer stillOnce in a while a sailboat drifts by.

Iconic shotTo have this view every day was a privilege I miss.

flowers benchI even love the way benches are dedicated to honor the dead.

That’s why M and I have decided to rent a year-round second home here. (Yes, I buried the lede.)

Riley, he and I will be spending good bits of time in this beauty after the new year.  I’ll be returning to my favorite place in the world, a place I lived on and off for years. The place Riley used to live, too. And M. has grown to love it, too.  “Besides, it makes me so happy when you’re happy,” he told me. (Swoon…)



18 comments on “Birds love Lovers Point
  1. How lucky you are to live in such a beautiful area!

  2. Lovely view, both from the perspective of the pelican and from your camera. I know you’ll fully appreciate and enjoy your new home away from home. Congratulations.

  3. Beautiful!!! And inspiring, YES!

  4. Jennifer says:

    Pacific Grove is one of the few places we are considering retireing to, in the next few years. We adore Carmel, but the prices and crowds are too much. I’m so glad to hear the fog seems to be changing. That’s the one thing our friends keep warning us about.
    For me, the ability to hear a gull, see the sea and breathe it’s fresh air, is soothing to my soul. Thanks for sharing and inspiring me to yammer at my husband about Pacific Grove again!!

  5. I love that area Carol. Thanks for binging me there with your beautiful photos!

  6. Diane says:

    In a series of pictures, you have described ‘PEACE’. Congratulations on your new home-away-from-home! Does it have a guest room? 🙂
    P.S. He’s a keeper, that M.!

  7. Love these images…wish I was there right now! Looks so peaceful!

  8. Haralee says:

    Lovely photos. What a great treat to just pack up and spend some time when you want in this gorgeous location!

  9. J.Q. Rose says:

    What breathtakingly beautiful photos. AND what a gorgeous place to call home. Congrats!!

  10. Can I come visiting, Carol? Wishing you many peaceful days in your second home! I can see why you love the place!

  11. Debbie D. says:

    How wonderful to have a home is such a beautiful area! May you and your loved ones spemd many happy years there. Although I’ve visited southern California numerous times (parents lived in San Diego), I’ve never been further north than Santa Maria. Definitely on the bucket list!

  12. Lana says:

    I love this part of California, although I haven’t been in many years. How wonderful that you’ll get to live there part time. Wonderful photos!

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