Make an online gingerbread house

November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Week. That means kids and grandkids will be home from school and of course, you’ll want some fun things to do with them, right? Maybe the weather’s turned wintry and cold. Why not make a gingerbread house online?

That’s right, make a gingerbread house ON-LINE.

The fabulous Michele at Bleeding Espresso suggested this holiday tradition again this year, and it sounds like such a fun thing to do with kids. You’ll find gumdrops, candy canes and all the decorations on the page. It’s easy to drag and drop them onto the house or trees. {That’s a screen shot of mine in progress. Doesn’t it look festive?}

The template’s on the right hand column of Jenny B. Harris’ website. But this link will get you right to it. {Thanks, Michelle!} Get yourself and your kids over to Jenny’s website and have some fun this holiday week.

GingerbreadHouse (

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