Make life about capabilities, not limitations

January 27, 2011
A while back I read Marianne Williamson’s book, The Age of Miracles.
{She’s an accomplished speaker, but I find her books more digestible than her oral presentations.}

She posits and I agree that what we call “miracles” are available at any moment — when we bring the best of ourselves forward.

Like me, you probably know people who can’t move forward
because they’re roadblocked by their past.
Their life becomes about their limitations, not their capabilities.

Marianne points out that the way we live now does not have to be determined
by what happened even a few minutes ago.
It is determined by who we are and what we think RIGHT NOW.
In this moment.

There’s no need to be stuck in old patterns, in old ways.
Even old dogs can learn new tricks.
Fresh opportunities are still available regardless of our circumstances.

Whatever our heart desires–whatever we desire to be–it’s possible, because, as Marianne says, God specializes in new beginnings.

It’s FEAR that holds us back.

Is there something you’d like in your life and don’t have?
Chances are, you’re afraid of something.
Afraid to risk yourself, afraid of the unknown, afraid of failure–even afraid of success.

Image: Marylou Falstreau,artist

Some fear-based roadblocks I’ve heard from people I know:

My town is too small for me to meet someone. Single older adults meet fun companions every day. What’s really holding you back? What are you afraid of?

I don’t like people telling me what to do. Angels appear in many forms and are there to guide you to your heart’s desire. The trick is to recognize them.

There are no jobs in my field. I think of two people I know, both unhappy in their jobs. One has continued to seek other work, fruitlessly, for years.

The other decided to go back to school at night to make her dream of becoming a teacher come true. She busted her butt for almost a year, passed her certification test and got a teaching job on her second interview.
In a time when teaching jobs are hard to find, she’s just begun her teaching career.

Is there something you really want in your life?

What’s really holding you back?

Are you bringing the best of yourself forward?

One comment on “Make life about capabilities, not limitations
  1. Anonymous says:

    Super positive post! Thanks Diva for such good reads and all of the work, effort and love you put into your writings.


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