Make love contagious

January 25, 2013

Is it my imagination, or do people seem to be more on edge than usual, these days? 
Our neighborhood e-list, normally a bastion of compassion, 
has had a spate of nasty, almost hateful commentary of late. 
People seem less generous on the road, 
and more touchy than usual out in public, 
me included.
Violence in the news every single day. 
No sooner are the funerals over from one shooting, there’s another somewhere else. 
There’s a sense of helplessness and sometimes even hopelessness 
pervading our culture. Recent horrific events have reminded us, I think, 
that we live in dark times. 
That as a culture, we’ve lost our soul. 
“What can I do?” we ask ourselves. 
We have no answers.
Our helplessness breeds frustration that leaks out around the edges. 
That’s what I think, anyway.
At times like this, I turn for inspiration to those people who inspire me 
with their focus on love and Marianne Williamson is one of those.
In an interview 20 years ago, she said
 “We are forced to recognize the price we pay for ignoring our souls.” 
I think that’s what has happened to us in America. 
We can no longer ignore the situation, although there will always be those  
who avert their eyes and choose to not see.
But we must look.
And see.
That is, if we are to do anything about it.

“Just like violence has contagion,” Williamson went on to say, “so does goodness.  
The importance of Christianity is not the crucifixion, it’s the resurrection. 
We can invoke resurrection and ask ourselves, 
what can make us live a life 
that will put healing in the world?”
Resurrection. Rebirth. Healing.
I heard a news story the other day that mentioned the Occupy movement, and thought to myself, whatever happened to that?  Meant well, but just a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
So what can we do that’s more than that?

We can put a little more love out in the world, that’s what we can do. 

It’s a start.
It may not be enough, but it’s a first step.

Run by Collective Soul
Are these times contagious
I’ve never been this bored before
Is this the prize I’ve waited for?
Now as the hours passing
There’s nothing left here to insure
I long to find the messenger.

Have I got a long way to run
Have I got a long way to run
Yeah, I run

Is there a cure among us?
From this processed sanity?
I weaken with each voice that sings
In this world of purchase
I’m gonna buy back memories
To awaken some old qualities

Have I got a long way to run
Yeah, I run.

8 comments on “Make love contagious
  1. amkovacs says:

    Thanks for sharing that. Yes, let’s make love and goodness contagious. It feels so much better than the alternative…

  2. Marianne Williamson is one of my fave reads. Thanks for reminding us that a better world starts with what we do. Every day.

  3. Grace Hodgin says:

    I’m a Marianne Willamson fan myself and waking up and making a commitment to making the day great and sharing love and laughter with those that are a part of our day is the best way to start it.

  4. Everything that you write is so beautiful. Thanks.

  5. I love your thought provoking essays. So lucky to have them to read on a regular basis. I do ignore the just glorifies the violence.

  6. Maryl says:

    Happy to have just found your blog. I’ve been wondering too what happened with the Occupy movement? They never got their agenda together. Could have been good.

  7. Maryl says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Haralee says:

    Wow there is a lot here to consider!

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