Market day in Acqui Terme

October 2, 2010

Friday is market day in Acqui. Vendors spend the morning hawking their wares to bargain hunters. There’s a lovely produce, fish and cheese market. Near the center of town, stalls offer everything from umbrellas, tablecloths and dishtowels to clothing, shoes, purses and bad cosmetics.
These women love them a bargain. Don’t we all?

Law enforcement was out, of course. I’ll bet she’s tougher than she looks.

Oh, have I mentioned that smoking is still a big part of Italian life? On the street and in cafes.
When was the last time we saw something like this in the States?

It’s always fun to walk around town and market day is just another excuse to look around. How about the name of this shop?

So many stylish ways to display plants and flowers.

And on our way back to our rooms, a two-car train held us up for a few minutes.

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